Save the Date!

Families Welcome

Friday, June 3rd - 8:30-9:30 in the Commons -
ABC's of Kindergarten - This a presentation made by the whole K class. There will be singing, speaking, and sharing! There will be refreshments after.

Tuesday, June 7th - K Class Picnic -9:30-2:30 at
The Oltjen's House - We encourage families to attend!
Details were sent home in backpacks on Wednesday. Please fill out form a return to me by Tuesday May 31st. The room parents are organizing food and activities for that day. Contact them with any questions ( Wen and Chrissy )

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week of November 1st -5th

Our New Exploration
The 50 States

We have sparked an interest about the 50 states. As a group we decided to study one state each week. A student brought in a book that gave us a small amount of information to begin each state.

This week we learned about Maine!
We learned:
State Bird - Chickadee
State Nick name - The Pine tree state
Capital - Augusta
Where is it located - Maine is the Eastern state in the US
We also learned that it is near the ocean, it is cold in the winter with lots of snow, it sells a lot of lobster and blueberries, and you can see seals in the ocean.

We watched videos, read many wonderful picture books, and enjoyed two beautiful maps that were donated. Many children shared memories about trips to Maine!

In the classroom we have displayed an outline of the states we are discussing along with information .
Please stop by to check out the ongoing investigation!

If you have any stories, trinkets, or pictures, relating to state of the week, please send share. We welcome any information that will deepen the connections.

  • Studied the letter D. We reviewed the sound it makes. /d/ as in d o g
  • Read the D poem, What Digger Said. This poem highlighted many words beginning with a D and ending.
  • Our new sight words are; said & in
  • We finished with our Frog Jump letters (E, F, D, P, R, M, N, B) ask your child to show you how each letter is formed.
  • We continued to work with centers to strengthen our skills identifying the short vowel A sound.
  • We began or new BIG book, Monster's Party.
  • Each child painted their very own monster.
  • We discussed descriptive words and they labeled (described) their monsters.
  • We talked about the many things that we CAN do and things that we CAN'T do. The students will make a I can book.
  • We filled in our October calendar in our book.
  • We have been practicing our number formation.
  • We looked at the number grid and discovered many patterns that have helped us learn higher numbers
  • We discussed tricky teens (Reminder all teens begin with a one)

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