Save the Date!

Families Welcome

Friday, June 3rd - 8:30-9:30 in the Commons -
ABC's of Kindergarten - This a presentation made by the whole K class. There will be singing, speaking, and sharing! There will be refreshments after.

Tuesday, June 7th - K Class Picnic -9:30-2:30 at
The Oltjen's House - We encourage families to attend!
Details were sent home in backpacks on Wednesday. Please fill out form a return to me by Tuesday May 31st. The room parents are organizing food and activities for that day. Contact them with any questions ( Wen and Chrissy )

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Designing our classroom Town

A house with a beautiful garden in the back!
A Fire Station and a Police Station.
A Church, a House, and a Garage.
Putting in roads, signs, and cars!
Welcome to Bouncy Town
made by the students!
This week we continued with the BIG book To Town. We discussed the many things that we see in a town. After making a long list, each student choose a building to create. We then added parks, playgrounds, trees, signs, roads, and cars. All the students worked together to make
"Bouncy Town" look amazing!
We will use digital cameras to catch people in action and then add them to the town!
Please come into the class to see Bouncy Town.

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