Save the Date!

Families Welcome

Friday, June 3rd - 8:30-9:30 in the Commons -
ABC's of Kindergarten - This a presentation made by the whole K class. There will be singing, speaking, and sharing! There will be refreshments after.

Tuesday, June 7th - K Class Picnic -9:30-2:30 at
The Oltjen's House - We encourage families to attend!
Details were sent home in backpacks on Wednesday. Please fill out form a return to me by Tuesday May 31st. The room parents are organizing food and activities for that day. Contact them with any questions ( Wen and Chrissy )

Monday, January 31, 2011

Exciting News to Ask Your Child!

Last week we took some time to plan our Winter Wonderland celebration for our third grade buddies. We designed invitations using the Mac computers on a program called Kid Pix. We then wrote the What, When, and Where part of the invite.

Today was the celebration! We had so much fun...
Ask your child what their favorite part was or what center they designed!

On Tuesday February 1st we will be going to the Z Theater to see the play Click Clack Moo. The show begins at 12:30pm. We are planning to eat an early lunch so please pack an extra snack for when we get back.

Friday, February 18th is Parent Teacher Conference Day. The sign up sheet is posted on our door. I will also have 3:00 and 3:30 available on
Wednesday, February 16th.
If you are not able to make it in please email me a time that works. They are 30 minutes starting at 7:30 and my last one is at 2:30.

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