Save the Date!

Families Welcome

Friday, June 3rd - 8:30-9:30 in the Commons -
ABC's of Kindergarten - This a presentation made by the whole K class. There will be singing, speaking, and sharing! There will be refreshments after.

Tuesday, June 7th - K Class Picnic -9:30-2:30 at
The Oltjen's House - We encourage families to attend!
Details were sent home in backpacks on Wednesday. Please fill out form a return to me by Tuesday May 31st. The room parents are organizing food and activities for that day. Contact them with any questions ( Wen and Chrissy )

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Due to a few choppy weeks - Here is the latest developments in Kindergarten!

* Letters G (hard and soft) and O
* We have been working on the O word families (op, ot, og)
* Made a few rhyming books. On Friday first graders will come to share a book they created called, Hop on Pop.
* We began our Guided Reading Groups - Please enjoy the book your child has mastered. Have them bring it back the next day, we do many extensions throughout the week.
* Our new sight words; with, come, has

We talked a lot about Martin Luther King Jr and the impact that he made on our country. The children were very interested and shared many facts they knew.
We created a display of "BIG words" that mean a lot to us as classmates and friends. Please stop by to see the BIG words that are important to your child
What is a Big Word?
"A word that is powerful and has a lit of meaning"

* Counting by 10's
* Measurement using a variety of tools
* Discussing length and width (exploring using foot steps)
*We are on day 75 - How many more till the 100th day of school!
* We conducted some ice experiments. How long does it take for water to freeze?
* Explored with the calculators (symbols and numbers)
* Worked on the computers (learned the program Kid Pix)

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