Save the Date!

Families Welcome

Friday, June 3rd - 8:30-9:30 in the Commons -
ABC's of Kindergarten - This a presentation made by the whole K class. There will be singing, speaking, and sharing! There will be refreshments after.

Tuesday, June 7th - K Class Picnic -9:30-2:30 at
The Oltjen's House - We encourage families to attend!
Details were sent home in backpacks on Wednesday. Please fill out form a return to me by Tuesday May 31st. The room parents are organizing food and activities for that day. Contact them with any questions ( Wen and Chrissy )

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy New Year!

We are off and running! The kids are so excited to be back in school....

Over the last two weeks we have jumped right back into our routine.

* We have studied the letters H and G. Identifying words that begin and end with each sound.
* We learned that the G has a soft and hard sound.
* Our new sight words: he, she, has
* Read our new BIG book, Poor Old Polly.
* We discussed that a few important parts of story is the title, characters, and a setting. I have read some amazing stories in their journals.
For example, Woody and Buzz vs Star Wars and Polly's Bad Hair Day.

Next week we will begin to meet with our reading groups, daily. I have sent home a notice explaining the guided reading program in Kindergarten. If you have any questions please let me know. I have shared this letter with the children and they are very excited to get their very own book to share with their families.

* We completed the month of December in our Calendars.
* Practiced counting by fives and discovered the pattern we should be seeing and hearing.
* Discussed Routines. We listed our daily routine in school. The students then illustrated their routine, starting from when they woke up.
* We explored the Calculator!

We worked very hard this week coming up with ideas for the next Time Capsule. As many of you know at the Bicentennial Celebration this past Fall there was a time capsule that was opened from 25 years ago. The school decided to many another one.
Here is what we put in:
Each child made an illustration of the FA building.
A small book made up of our individual photographs
A Class photo
A photo of the Shark
We made a small video giving a tour of our classroom and what we do each day.
A writing piece: My favorite thing about Kindergarten was_______________.

I hope they remember this experience and will be eager to come back in 25 years!

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